Ken Group

Ken Group is a growth partner to experts, educational businesses, and creators to help them create, market, and sell info products.


Ken Group

Who is Ken Group?

Ken Group is owned by Ken Digital, which owns both Ken AI and Smart Curs.


  1. Infoproducts is one of the hardest industries to get agency clients in because

a. data is scattered

b. prospects are skeptical

c. it’s a very competitive industry, prospects being constantly bombarded with proposals

d. one of the most sophisticated audiences (they are educators, so it makes sense)

  1. Hard to scale

There are few qualified prospects.

The list of people who are top-notch in their fields (so they can teach a course) and willing to invest their time & money in an educational venture is very small.

  1. Prospects are hard to impress

At Ken Group, it’s like we sell fish to the fisherman.

Those prospects are accustomed to great outreach messages, and they expect one to do a lot of research on them.

They also want someone at least as good as they are to contact them.

  1. Most prospects aren’t qualified

That means that they either don’t want to start or grow an educational business or don’t have the means to do so.

The reality is that most courses don’t make any money, but one won’t assume this from their flashy marketing.


We coded multiple automated systems to solve each problem:

  1. Software that sources data across the web

It tries to find tens of thousands of relevant leads on LinkedIn, Social Media, personal and company websites, marketplaces.

This solved the scattered data and scaling problems.

  1. Qualification Software

A custom algorithm analyzes the data and uses machine learning to find the best prospects. It defines the absolute perfect client, assigns it a score of 100%, and then you just enter the percentage of qualification you need.

For example, you might want 60% qualified leads, so it removes the leads that are below 60% qualified.

  1. The best at-scale personalization software

Because we put so much effort in the data sourcing, analysis, and qualification, we have the best personalization software (that we and everyone else has seen).

Here’s some random sample data.

This usually makes our prospects impressed because we “actually did research on them.”

  1. Scaling infrastructure

Now, imagine that we do all of this with 10,000 leads every single month. If we’d have the capacity for more clients and sales calls, we’d be able to scale this to 100,000 leads per month.

This involved various complicated infrastructure, like cloud servers, dedicated IPs, many domains, even more emails, and a lot of annoying technicalities that you probably don’t even want to know.

But the results are worth it.




This campaign targeted venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, podcasts hosts, and influencers, aka the most spammed set of people on the planet.

Nonetheless, we had a reply rate of above 15% and built a pipeline value of $450k.

We had to stop outreach as we filled our maximum capacity in just 22 days.

*Open rate and click rate tracking are disabled.

This campaign has brought us 7 high-ticket clients in less than 30 days with just 1057 emails sent.

With a 74% open rate, 23% reply rate, and a 3.5% qualified meeting set rate, we had to stop outreach as we filled our maximum capacity.