

About us
Who are we and what we do
Our work
Check our clients and their results
Discover how we can help you

Ken AI isn’t your average lead generation agency. We build genuine connections (at scale) with our unique personalized approach.

We build sales funnels, find leads, qualify them, personalize, send emails and DMs at scale. We also optimize your sales processes so you close the meetings we bring you.

We treat humans as humans. Thanks to our qualification and personalization, prospects only get relevant messages they want to see.

Our best clients are online B2B service companies and B2B educational companies with $10k+ annual contract value.


Some of our case studies

From 50,000 students for our own company, to a 5x profit increase, and millions generated, here are our results.


Here’s everything
we do

In 5 words, we do everything you need.
Business Strategy & Research

We help you find your ideal client, value proposition, best area of expertise, best market, and create a suited business, marketing, funnel, and content strategy according to that.

Funnel Building

We build custom funnels for your programs, both low and high ticket. We do everything, including the copy, set-up and design, without being salesy.


We write the killer copy for all email and DM sequences. We also help with website, funnel and sales automations copy, if needed.

Find Leads & Pre-Qualify them

After researching your ICP, our developers build custom data sourcing solutions for you to get as many leads as possible. Then, we build custom AI algorithms that check that data and remove all unqualified leads (93% accuracy compared to humans).

Lead & Data Sourcing

To have effective results, we need to find a lot of lead data. We have custom algorithms for each client that take data from LinkedIn, personal and company websites, marketplaces, data brokers, and others.

Lead Magnet Creation

You’ll get the perfect lead magnet (free or even paid) that will attract your ideal clients like a magnet. Every type works - webinars, courses, ebooks, PDFs, free trials, and so on.

Cold Email Outreach

We set up cold email systems to send 10k+ personalized emails per month that land in inbox, automatically.

Cold DM Outreach

We set up cold & warm DM outreach systems on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X that can send 10k+ personalized messages per month.

Email & DM Personalization

We’ve developed human + AI systems that write genuine personalization emails at scale. Here’s some sample data.

Social Media Setup

Build a strong online presence for increased trust on LinkedIn, X, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. We optimize your profile, create 50+ posts, and get thousands of followers.

CRM setup & management

We integrate with your existing CRM or set-up a CRM for you, with all automations required.

Sales Systems Setup

We build sales systems and funnels for you, with great design, killer copy, stable automations, email sequences, cool videos, and AB testing.

Appointment setting

Our highly-trained appointment setters answer all emails and messages for you, saving you time. They answer objections and set up calls.

Sales Calls

We integrate with your existing CRM or set-up a CRM for you, with all automations required.

Education & Training

We give you access to our huge collection of over 30 courses, 200+ SOP files, and knowledge base worth at least $9,500. We’ll also train your team to get better results and close more deals.

Coaching & Consulting

You’ll get coaching & consulting meetings with our founder, team, or brand advisors, which include bestselling authors, TEDx speakers, Forbes & Y Combinator alumni, etc.


We operate our own B2B agency

Ken Group is a growth partner to experts, educational businesses, and creators to help them create, market, and sell info products.
100,000+ customers
for our clients
$5M sales generated
for us and our clients
15 teammates
100+ meetings
every month

Our amazing team members

Cristian Frunze
Rares Gaitan
Robert Susman
Brand Designer
Youssef Berto
Head of Partnerships
Itay Forer
Piero Raciti
Head of Copywriting
Schedule a meeting

See what
other people
say about us

"You are looking at the next Elon Musk. Please do not pass this up"

Willing to do whatever it takes to ensure success for anyone he works with.

Ahmed Siddiqui | Bestselling author

"I still can’t believe Ken AI was able to 5x my profits in 2 months"

Lambros Lazoupulos | Course Creator

"Saying I was awed by what Cristian has accomplished and his business savvy as an entrepreneur would be an understatement"

Dani Whitestone | Co-founder

"One of the most impressive startups I have ever encountered"

Zev Asch | Podcast Host

"I highly recommend Ken for any opportunity that requires an excellent approach, strong communication skills, work ethic, and marketing knowledge. A company whose work is impressive."

Irina Verlan | AI Ethics specialist

"It makes me think how much further ahead I would have been if I had even a quarter of the talent, energy, and speed that Ken AI possesses."

Alex Searle | Entrepreneur

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