Itay Forer

Itay runs a successful product/market fit coaching program for entrepreneurs.


Itay Forer

Who is Itay Forer

Entrepreneur | Founder | Mentor | Investor

Itay is an experienced founder, mentor, and serial entrepreneur who built a Startup from day 1 with an initial team of 3 to managing a 350-person workforce while achieving Product-Market Fit.

As a YCombinator alumnus, he faced a lot of product/market fit questions when raising over $20M from VCs and angel investors. He acquired a few companies in the past and successfully merged his startup.

Since then, he has mentored & coached 200+ founders, entrepreneurs, and professional teams across multiple industries and diverse business models like B2B, B2C, B2B2C, and C2C.

Itay is also on the Ken AI advisory board, consulting our clients regarding their products & services.


  1. Create a scorecard funnel
  2. Nurture audiences with LinkedIn and Twitter content
  3. Run cold email outreach and warm Twitter outreach campaigns


Bringing 35 qualified leads in 7 days with less than $200 in costs.

28% Twitter reply rate

9% email reply rate